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  • M.ª Lucía Puey Bernués
M.ª Lucía Puey Bernués
N.º 132, Sección abierta, pages 291-312
Published: Aug 1, 2023


Surprisingly for the period, during the academic year 1857-1858 a Physics Cabinet with the latest scientific equipment was installed in Huesca’s religious seminary, the Seminario Conciliar de la Santa Cruz de Huesca. The bishops and clerics contributing to this milestone included the Rector of the seminary, Bruno Casas Abad, and Father Saturnino López Novoa, whose house-museum in Huesca has displayed this legacy since 2021. This article analyses the purpose of the Cabinet and the historical and cultural context in which it was created, describes the most important items of equipment, and examines its importance for society, both past and present.

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